There has been an ongoing debate about what material is best for countertops. Most people believe a granite versus quartz countertops comparison will finally reveal the winner. So, we spent a little time researching both options ourselves. This is what we found:
Granite Countertops
Natural Looking Stone
When we started our granite versus quartz countertops comparison, both options provided natural looking stone. It’s one area where either choice would be the right one for you.
Some countertops require maintenance throughout the year. One of the requirements might be resealing the countertop. Those who decide to purchase the granite version will need to do this once a year.If you purchase a quartz countertop then there won’t be any sealing needed.
Quartz Countertops
Think about the Germs
One of the most important areas to our granite versus quartz countertops comparison was germs. Keeping the countertops clean is a crucial step in keeping the family from getting sick. If you purchase a granite countertop, food particles and liquids can get trapped within it much easier. Plus, the countertop could end up with a stain, and there would be no way to fix it.
While the same is true for quartz countertops, it’s much harder. Therefore, if your decision is based off of bacteria building in the kitchen, the quartz version is a wiser choice. This is due to quartz not being as porous as granite. It will also mean any possible staining will be reduced.
Color and Style
The final area of our granite versus quartz countertops comparison is the color and style. One of the concerns about quartz is that it comes in solid colors. Most households refrain from solid color countertops, because it doesn’t blend well with the kitchen.
Granite offers a plethora of design styles to accentuate the area. It has a sophisticated appeal, which provides a kitchen with more appeal.
The Usage
What it comes down to is the overall use of the countertop. When we did this granite versus quartz countertops study, we thought about who would purchase either one of them. The first thought was how well quartz countertops would benefit day care centers or schools.
When it comes to home use, granite provides more visual benefits. However, it also has more maintenance and not as much resistance. So, consider each one of the areas of our granite versus quartz countertops study. Hopefully it will help you come to the best conclusion for your needs.